Meredydd Luff

Meredydd learnt to program with QBASIC, and still misses that accessible on-ramp into programming. He did his PhD in building usable programming systems, and has worked on projects from messaging apps to the Linux kernel. After a few too many rants about the web with his friend Ian, the two of them built Anvil, a platform for anyone who writes Python to build and deploy a useful web application.

He’s based in Cambridge (the one on the Cam, not the on the Charles). In his spare time, you used to find him dancing ballroom and latin, or flying an aeroplane. These days, he enjoys a rich social life of staring at glowing boxes and talking to people who aren’t there.


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Anvil: Full Stack Web with Nothing but Python

What if we could build our front ends in Python too? Anvil is a framework to get us there: no HTML, JS, CSS, React, Bootstrap or Webpack required!

Instead, how about a Python UI toolkit, a drag-and-drop designer, and a full-stack runtime that doesn't require you to squeeze all your application state over JSON and HTTP? Find out how it's done, and why I think it's a good idea.