David Wobrock
Hi, I'm David and working as "Senior Lead API Engineer" at a French company called Botify.
I've been working with Django for a few years now, creating tools to smooth some processes using the framework and starting to contribute to Django itself when time allows :)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/davidwobrock
Github: https://github.com/David-Wobrock

Migrations and understanding Django's relationship with its database
Do IntegrityError: NOT NULL constraint failed, column cannot be null or OperationalError: no such column ring a bell? Most Django developers experience those either during development, or worse, in production. We'll explore the whys and wherefores of these problems and suggest some solutions in order to improve your experience with Django migrations and make them seamless.
Slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13wsg1yYWX0aJrLuA4a-GRnej42GBN1CK/view?usp=sharing