Jérôme Vieilledent
My name is Jérôme Vieilledent and I work as developer advocate at Blackfire.io.
I'm a senior technical expert with 17 years of experience. Completely self-educated, I'm a perfectionist and always ensure to follow best practices, but also to help people understand why they are best practices.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jvieilledent
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeromevieilledent/?originalSubdomain=fr
Github: https://github.com/lolautruche

Profiling Django & Python apps
It is difficult to improve what is not measurable! Profiling an application should always be the first step in trying to improve its performance. With this workshop, learn how to identify performance issues in your application and adopt the best profiling practices in your daily development habits. This workshop will use the Blackfire.io tool to help you identify performance leaks.
From Development to Production, Getting Actionable Insights to Optimize Django Code Performance
Blackfire offers a unique blend of Monitoring and Profiling features. Unlike traditional APMs on the market, it focuses on the quality of the data it collects, rather than its quantity, in order to make sure developers know quickly what they can do to fix issues.