Johannes Spielmann
I'm a freelance software developer and mathematician from Germany and I've been doing Django for 15 years now -- ever since I saw that presentation for "Snakes and Rubies". I've worked on projects large and small, commercial and hobby, successful and not, so I've seen a lot.
I'm always happy to meet people, so talk to me on Twitter (@shezoidic), via email (, on Discord ( or Telegram ( or in person.
Sometimes, I write stuff and not delete it immediately, and you can find that stuff on
Oh, and of course, you should also hire me. =)

Django Unstuck: Suggestions for common challenges in your projects
There are some challenges that come up in every Django project. Some of them right at the start: How do I organize my apps? Where do I put the base template, and all the other templates? Should I do internationalization right away?
Other problems only crop up a little later: how do I manage production settings? How do I make sure permissions are checked correctly? How do I make menus appear correctly?
Some may appear at any point in time: how do I add content pages? What code goes into models/controllers/views?
In this workshop, I'm going to tell you how I approach these recurring challenges and what my "best practices" in these situations are.